Monday, June 8, 2009

Choose Again Society in Vancouver web site

The new Choose Again Vancouver site is now fully operational! The webmaster is still looking for photos that would be suitable for the site. Please send to Thanks!

Monday, June 1, 2009


This morning I had a communication with a wonderful friend who recently helped her friend through the last stages of her life. She felt good about all the help she was able to offer her friend and her friend’s family and now, while mourning her loss, began to question what the real motivation behind the helping was. My response to her follows: Rest assured that all the good you ever did (and enjoyed doing) came from your true Self. The ego cannot stand that idea and will always come in with that nasty little voice (sort of sounds a little like my brother Dick Cheney ……..) and questions what your real motives are. You already know the response to that voice: " ...... awww, honey ..... ". Yes, your sadness is in part due to losing your friend and at a deeper level losing your friend is a symbol of the belief that you lost connection to the Truth. Your sadness is an indication of your longing to return to the Oneness and the mad belief that you could actually have lost the connection. In Truth, of course, that could never happen. Oneness cannot be divided by definition. That i (the small 'i') don't question that separation with a smile is an indication of the profound insanity of my ego. Wondrously, when I do lovingly question my ego it vanishes. Love to One and all, Diederik