It is not love that asks a sacrifice. But fear demands the sacrifice of love, for in love’s presence fear cannot abide.
Choose love today!
Merry Christmas,Elaine
Thoughts and stories from the Choose Again Centre in Costa Rica, where the Self can be reborn in safety and in peace in a beautiful setting. If you feel your relationships, work, depression or family issues are out of control this is the place to heal yourself. There is an answer, there really is a better way. Email at
It is not love that asks a sacrifice. But fear demands the sacrifice of love, for in love’s presence fear cannot abide.
Choose love today!
Merry Christmas,Elaine
“We are all living in the nectar of the Self and yet we all cry: 'I am suffering!' Everybody is in Devine Grace. Grace is around everybody.Yet we are not satisfied.”
Sri H.W. Poonja
The more I explore the idea of 'who I am', the more I realize the depth of my addiction to suffering. I find that I am addicted to the 'small s' self I made up. The fact that I seemingly share that addiction with about six billion others makes it no more palatable. Today I will look upon everything as if I have never seen it before; today I will experience and taste the ‘nectar of the Self’. Love to One and all, Diederik