Friday, December 19, 2008


“Any concept of punishment involves the projection of blame, and reinforces the idea that blame is justified.
The result is a lesson in blame, for all behavior teaches the beliefs that motivate it.”

"Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us."

Rainer Maria Rilke

I just read that the U.S. is building 200 new beds per day for correctional institutions ………. wow.
Isn’t it time I wake up and recognize that every word, every act can only have one of two intentions: a cry for love or an extension of love? Isn’t it time I start responding with love to a cry for love? Isn’t it time I start hearing my OWN cry for love and extending love to it? Isn’t it time I start recognizing the enemy within and start loving him? Wouldn't it make a great Christmas present, recognizing that I made it up, recognizing I am not that evil thing I thought I was all this time? And, if I am not that evil thing then who is there to blame? There is no blame, there is only Love.

I am reminded of those beautiful words by Ste. Catherine of Siena: "The Absolute Innocence of all within my creation will take a little while to understand." Love to One and all,


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