Monday, January 19, 2009

The great deception

"This is the great deception of the world, and you are the great deceiver of yourself. It always seems to be another who is evil, and in his sin you are the injured one. How could freedom be possible if this were so? You would be a slave to everyone, for what he does entails your fate, your feelings, your despair or hope, your misery or joy."

I read this passage yesterday, and was reminded anew how much joy I have in my life when I am not believing that I am at the affect of other people. It is easy for me to be upset at someone´s tone of voice, or an action I think is unjustified, and when I remind myself that none of this says anything about me, and work with whatever belief is triggered by their action, I am back at peace, and in charge of how I feel, and how I experience all of my realationships.

I have found that there is no half way about this. Either I am responsible for everything that I think and feel, or none of it. If I am not responsible for any of it, I continue to be a victim of the world, and of all the people and circumstances around me. When I take ownership of my feelings, thoughts and experiences, I am free, and I have an endless supply of love to enjoy, because I never need to pull back in fear.

Your friend, working on a deception free day!



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